The Wai 2700 Mana Wahine Inquiry
Dame Areta Koopu being presented with her DNZM by Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy in Auckland in 2019. credit: Office of the Governor General.
The Wai 2700 Mana Wahine Inquiry is in its early stages with research being commissioned and early interlocutory matters being worked through. Tuapapa hearings have begun and are due to continue throughout 2022 before the Tribunal moves into the substantive hearings phase.
Counsel represent a range of claimants who raise various issues relating to Māori wahine and their experiences across the motu.
Counsel represent Wai 381 named claimant Dame Areta Koopu who was at the time President of the Māori Womens Welfare League when the first Wai 381 statement of claim was filed with the Waitangi Tribunal in 1993. Wai 381 was filed collectively by 16 wahine and was the first statement of claim filed with the Waitangi Tribunal which raised issues of national importance specifically relevant to Māori wahine. Whilst the Wai 381 claim has been amended the claim continues to carry the mana and maemae of those 16 wahine and their whanau, hapu and iwi they represent.
Read the original Wai 381 Statement of Claim here.
Read the amended Statement of Claim filed in 2020 here.